“Why do I struggle to make the simplest decisions about me?”

I’m Ange Day, and I’m a coach and counsellor.

If you’ve got some difficult decisions to make and you’re feeling stuck, perhaps I can help?

Sometimes life can be tougher than at others. This can be because of additional stress that has been added on or maybe you have just decided that you have had enough of feeling like you are only just surviving.

I would like to offer you a space in which we can explore why life is tougher for you right now and help you find a way forward that feels more comfortable.

We will work together to form a relationship of trust and confidence, in which you will have the space to explore any difficulties you may be facing.

Read more about me


Coaching is all about creating a safe space to confront, explore and look at the challenges that confront us in our daily lives. Perhaps I can help you move forward?


Perhaps it’s time to confront and resolve some of the personal issues that might be stopping you achieve the emotional wellbeing you seek?


As a counsellor, is it time you gained a different perspective by working with a different supervisor?

What about you?


Sometimes it feels like stress is most peoples ‘normal’ these days.

Well, it needed be that way, and most importantly, stress really isn't good for you, with increased levels of adrenaline and cortisol causing long-term health issues.

If you’re feeling stressed, with all the associated signs, like tiredness, headaches, feeling overwhelmed and any number of other feelings, perhaps now is the time to take action?

There are some things you can do yourself, and there are any number of self-help book, blogs, and podcasts for free. Or perhaps it’s time to have a chat with me and see if perhaps I can help you?

Our initial conversation is free and without obligation.


How often do you think that you aren’t good enough? Often can’t sit still or focus on what you are doing?

Being on edge and constantly worrying about that is going to happen next isn’t healthy for you. The constant stream of adrenaline can affect your sleep, lower your immunity system and impair your decision making

If you are feeling like this and have tried to knuckle down and push through it, maybe it’s time to feel more in control and talk to me to see how you can do this?

Our initial conversation is free and without obligation.


Feeling like you have a black cloud hanging over you or a weight heavy on your shoulders? Can’t seem to shake it off?

Not only that, but depression can lead to heart problems and sleep issues. We start seeing relationships break down and feel alone

Tired of being tired, of feeling like you are walking through sludge, and of those same thoughts circling round and round?

Is it time to pick up the phone and see if we can lessen the load and feel more connected?

Our initial conversation is free and without obligation.


Who am I? I was tired, so tired of pushing through, just getting on with it, never feeling good enough. No matter what I did, I just couldn’t fill that hole. Thinking what is wrong with me?

A close friend suggested that I went to counselling as I was spiralling, things were getting worse, I was getting unhappier and more frustrated.

That was the best advice I had been given as it gave me the space to see what was happening and how it wasn’t me that was wrong, it was what I was thinking about and expecting from life.

Using this as a spring board, I made some small changes that made a huge impact on my life. The spiral halted and reversed.

This is how I came to work with people using a blend of counselling and coaching to make realisations that allow long term results. Dealing with the major events, beliefs and thoughts that have held us back, removes deep seated limitations and enables self belief as a firm base to make those long term changes

Our initial conversation is free and without obligation.


Do you ever have times where your heart starts racing and you thoughts feel like there are spinning out of control? You may even feel tight in the chest, or that you can’t breath?

Well that is panic and if you keep ignoring it, this may escalate to a panic attack

There are techniques you can use to bring you back down from panic

But being on the edge and wondering what will push you over next time is an uncomfortable place to be, so what about talking with me to be able to come off the edge

Our initial conversation is free and without obligation.