So what is it? What is making you need your glass of wine/pint tonight?

With the glass in your hand, what is really going on in your head that you need to escape from? Cos that’s all it is, an escape from… what?

What is going on in your life right now that it is better to be numbed from than to feel it?

Is it stress? Is it the patients that have p***ed you off today? Is it boredom? 

Every time you pick up that glass to numb it, is another time you have avoided it and made it worse! You’ve delayed a time when you could have done something about it and pushed it back so you’ll have to feel it for another day. And probably feel bad that you had that glass again, didn’t do something about it again, gave it another chance to roll around in your thoughts and multiply so it actually feels worse. 

Would it be so bad to feel whatever it is you are avoiding? Could you do something about it? The best thing you can do is look at your thoughts about whatever it is and work on those. You might then feel better… and then not need the next glass or the glass tomorrow.

Instead of picking up the glass, write down those thoughts. When they are on paper you can look at them more realistically. You can challenge the thought to check if it is true, actually true and not based on assumptions or expectations. Once on paper the emotion can be removed from it and you can start to think about it logically so you discover what you want to do next.

Instead of picking up that glass, phone a friend or colleague and talk about it. It is unlikely you will be on your own feeling that way. They may even have some helpful ideas. But connecting with someone else will boost your wellbeing no matter what you talk about.

Instead of picking up that glass, go for a walk. Nature has been proven to boost your mental wellbeing so spending some time outside will help you.

Better yet, instead of picking up that glass, sit and feel the emotion you are avoiding. Emotions are your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t working. Feeling that feeling will allow you to discover what isn’t right for you. I can guarantee you that the feeling will not last forever, you will get to the other side. Once you have felt the feeling, you will be able to do something about it from a more rational frame of mind and have the focus to do something about it. 

So next time you feel that you deserve a glass of wine, stop, pause and think about what it is you are trying to avoid