Category: Mental Health
Perhaps you really are defined by your job?
Who am I outside of the office? On those days, weeks, or even months, when your job is getting you down, do you ever consider who you are outside of the job? Yes, we do spend the majority of our day at work and spend more time with the people we work with than our […]
Why can’t I just let it go?
Do you have those thoughts that are on automatic repeat? Going round and round and driving you around the bend? We have approximately 70 000 thoughts a day and it is said that 95% of them are the same as those you had yesterday. Do you really want to keep having those same thoughts or […]
They make me so angry!
Do you ever have those days, weeks(??), when you are just angry at everything and everyone? Or maybe, just that one person that pushes your buttons? And you just don’t know why! Anger is a completely normal emotion and is healthy in the right situations. Anger is there to protect you when something is felt […]
‘Should’. And why we judge ourselves
Many of us think that we ‘should’ do/be/feel a certain way. These tend have been instilled in us as children. They are reinforced by the behaviour of our parents or important people as we grow up. We use these ‘should’s to gauge how we feel about ourselves, which decision to make, how others see us […]
Ever feel worried that you will be found out?
Do you feel that your successes are all a fluke and you don’t deserve them? It’s not very often that we look at where we are in life and list the successes that we have, but when we do it’s often hard to name them for ourselves. We often put our successes down to luck […]
How is my life out of balance…
Life can feel completely out of balance but do you know how it is out balance? There are many different ways of looking at life balance, so much information out there to tell you what you should be doing to gain a work life-balance. But they are all generic and seem to suggest you should […]
Patients, their attitude towards us and their expectations
Of all the issues that create stress for dentists cited in my survey in March 2020, ‘patient expectation’ was probably the one that triggered people the most. Over a third of participants stated that this one thing had been the most significant factor in changing their perception of dentistry. If we begin to explore this, […]